
Special: The Beauty of Death written by Khalil Gibran (narrated by Jasmine H. Low)

The Beauty of Death was written by Lebanese-American writer, Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931). It’s presented here in a three-part series, read by Jasmine Low for a friend who is leaving our realm.

Part One – The Calling  

Let me sleep, for my soul is intoxicated with love and    
Let me rest, for my spirit has had its bounty of days and nights;    
Light the candles and burn the incense around my bed, and    
Scatter leaves of jasmine and roses over my body;    
Embalm my hair with frankincense and sprinkle my feet with perfume,     And read what the hand of Death has written on my forehead.       
Let me rest in the arms of Slumber, for my open eyes are tired;    
Let the silver-stringed lyre quiver and soothe my spirit;    
Weave from the harp and lute a veil around my withering heart.       
Sing of the past as you behold the dawn of hope in my eyes, for    
It’s magic meaning is a soft bed upon which my heart rests.     

Dry your tears, my friends, and raise your heads as the flowers    
Raise their crowns to greet the dawn.    
Look at the bride of Death standing like a column of light    
Between my bed and the infinite;    
Hold your breath and listen with me to the beckoning rustle of    
Her white wings.       

Come close and bid me farewell; touch my eyes with smiling lips.    
Let the children grasp my hands with soft and rosy fingers;    
Let the ages place their veined hands upon my head and bless me;    
Let the virgins come close and see the shadow of God in my eyes,    
And hear the echo of His will racing with my breath. 

Part Two – The Ascending   

I have passed a mountain peak and my soul is soaring in the 
Firmament of complete and unbound freedom;    
I am far, far away, my companions, and the clouds are    
Hiding the hills from my eyes.    

The valleys are becoming flooded with an ocean of silence, and the    
Hands of oblivion are engulfing the roads and the houses;    
The prairies and fields are disappearing behind a white specter    
That looks like the spring cloud, yellow as the candlelight    
And red as the twilight.       

The songs of the waves and the humans of the streams    
Are scattered, and the voices of the throngs reduced to silence;    
And I can hear naught but the music of Eternity    
In exact harmony with the spirit’s desires.    
I am cloaked in full whiteness;    
I am in comfort; I am in peace. 

Part Three – The Remains 

Unwrap me from this white linen shroud and clothe me   
With leaves of jasmine and lilies;   
Take my body from the ivory casket and let it rest   
Upon pillows of orange blossoms.   
Lament me not, but sing songs of youth and joy;   
Shed not tears upon me, but sing of harvest and the winepress;   
Utter no sigh of agony, but draw upon my face with your   
Finger the symbol of Love and Joy.   
Disturb not the air’s tranquility with chanting and requiems,   
But let your hearts sing with me the song of Eternal Life;   
Mourn me not with apparel of black,   
But dress in color and rejoice with me;   
Talk not of my departure with sighs in your hearts; close   
Your eyes and you will see me with you forevermore.     
Place me upon clusters of leaves and   
Carry my upon your friendly shoulders and   
Walk slowly to the deserted forest.   
Take me not to the crowded burying ground lest my slumber   
Be disrupted by the rattling of bones and skulls.   
Carry me to the cypress woods and dig my grave where violets   
And poppies grow not in the other’s shadow;   
Let my grave be deep so that the flood will not   
Carry my bones to the open valley;   
Let my grace be wide, so that the twilight shadows   
Will come and sit by me.     

Take from me all earthly raiment and place me deep in my   
Mother Earth; and place me with care upon my mother’s breast.   
Cover me with soft earth, and let each handful be mixed   
With seeds of jasmine, lilies and myrtle; and when they   
Grow above me, and thrive on my body’s element they will   
Breathe the fragrance of my heart into space;   
And reveal even to the sun the secret of my peace;   
And sail with the breeze and comfort the wayfarer.     
Leave me then, friends – leave me and depart on mute feet,   
As the silence walks in the deserted valley;   
Leave me to God and disperse yourselves slowly, as the almond   
And apple blossoms disperse under the vibration of Nissan’s breeze.      Go back to the joy of your dwellings and you will find there   
That which Death cannot remove from you and me.   
Leave with place, for what you see here is far away in meaning   
From the earthly world. Leave me.  

Jasmine H. Low Liminal

S1E8: Liminality 002 | Conversations with Shirl by Jasmine H. Low


Here’s a conversation recorded one afternoon as I chat with Shirl while she eats — her favourite thing to do! We speak in English, Malay and Hokkien. This is an experimental concept, where podcast host/producer Jasmine H. Low records periods during her day as a carer for mum…  The first few seconds are sounds recorded while Jasmine escapes for a coffee break at the beach while Shirl sleeps. These in-between moments give room for much thought, reflection and creativity.  A step forward usually means a push off of faith, gaining momentum and power for a larger stride. It also requires trust to move ahead in search for another door to open. It’s that unknown lull, that time at sea travelling from one place place to an unknown land, eager in anticipation. I think of the women before me, my mother’s mother, my mother and in this recording, I asked about her comfort foods from her mother’s time. It seems the making of, the eating and convening over food provided much comfort for the women from my family. I hope you have enjoyed listening to this first Season, where I feature my own personal poetry, stories and conversations with mum. 

Over the course of the next few seasons, I shall be introducing a long list of amazing women with heritage from countries surrounding the South China Seas. 

Thank you and enjoy these audio journeys with me.

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About the Listen by Heart Podcast

You have been listening to Jasmine Low’s Audio Journey experience, presenting Listen by Heart: Voices of the Women of the South China Sea

Subscribe to the podcast on your preferred platform and if you’d like to encourage us on, find out how you can support the production. Thank you.

Our purpose: Listen by Heart Podcast is an audio project that sets out to record and archive stories from women of the South China Sea, an area of much interest lately. As we document and record all of these stories, we will also be digitising and creating an online presence for women of Southeast Asian heritage and honouring the women who came before them.

Our Mission: Listen By Heart Podcast aims to serve as the Sentinels of the South China Sea, keeping our region at peace.

Production Credits

An open-source project created, narrated and produced by Jasmine H. Low (
An Podcast Production.
Supported by
Website by

#ListenbyHeart |

Would you have a tale to share or know somebody who does? Do you identify as a woman with heritage from the nations encircling the contentious South China Seas? We’d love to hear from you…

— Send in a voice message requires you to set up an account with Anchor.FM, a company affiliated with Spotify.

Jasmine H. Low Liminal

S1E6: Liminality 001 | Conversations with Shirl


Sounds recorded by Jasmine H. Low + an afternoon chat with Shirl.  An experimental concept, where the producer Jasmine H. Low records periods during her day, unspoken quiet moments while Shirl sleeps, the in-between moments. A step forward usually means a push off of faith, gaining momentum and power for a larger stride. It also requires trust to move ahead in search for another door to open. It’s that unknown lull, that time at sea travelling from one place place to an unknown land, eager in anticipation. I think of the women before me, my mother’s mother, my mother and in this recording, I asked about her career choice. 

#ListenbyHeart |

About the Listen by Heart Podcast

You have been listening to Jasmine Low’s Audio Journey experience, presenting Listen by Heart: Voices of the Women of the South China Sea

Subscribe to the podcast on your preferred platform and if you’d like to encourage us on, find out how you can support the production. Thank you.

Our purpose: Listen by Heart Podcast is an audio project that sets out to record and archive stories from women of the South China Sea, an area of much interest lately. As we document and record all of these stories, we will also be digitising and creating an online presence for women of Southeast Asian heritage and honouring the women who came before them.

Our Mission: Listen By Heart Podcast aims to serve as the Sentinels of the South China Sea, keeping our region at peace.

Production Credits

An open-source project created, narrated and produced by Jasmine H. Low (
An Podcast Production.
Supported by
Website by

#ListenbyHeart |

Would you have a tale to share or know somebody who does? Do you identify as a woman with heritage from the nations encircling the contentious South China Seas? We’d love to hear from you…

— Send in a voice message requires you to set up an account with Anchor.FM, a company affiliated with Spotify.

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